Participating in the coming Alibaba.com Trade Fair in Shanghai

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Date: Nov/24/Thu ? 27/Sun
Place: 上海世貿商城(海外商品展)Shanghai Mart
Alibaba.com has gathered 570,000 guests and 4000 exhibitors in the last 5 Trade Fairs.
The coming fair in November is expected to outnumber the last one.
↓Check the picture of our booth in September.
“The WOODY PUDDY Play House Series” gathers peoples’ attention wherever it goes.
アリババ商品交易会の様子 その2 
Excuse us for making you wait…
アリババ商品交易会の様子 その3 
Many buyers from Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou visited our booth and we had some good business negotiations.

Since more people visited our booth than we had expected last time, we had to keep our visitors waiting. This time, we have reserved a wider space.
Well then, see you in Shanghai!
WOODY PUDDY Overseas Business Department

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